Here is a preview of the missions we will be running.
Unlike the Army Composition rules, which follow the LVO
format, we have chosen to deviate from the LVO Missions and use our own.
We post them here so you have a chance to review &
practice them prior to the event.
Most of what you will find here are familiar themes, but
there are a few subtle changes that you may want to familiarized yourself with
All Missions are based a Primary Mission, a Secondary
Mission, and a Tertiary Mission
- Winning the Primary Mission earns you 4 points
- Winning the Secondary Mission earns you 3 points
- Winning the Tertiary Mission earns you 2 points
So if you lose Primary, you can still win the Game by winning
both Secondary & Tertiary for 5-4 win
It does not matter if you win the Primary or Secondary by 1
point, or 1000 points, winning gets the number of points described above
Primary & Secondary Missions will described below
Tertiary Missions
Tertiary Missions are based on Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker,
& First Blood
The player the scores the most of these wins the Tertiary
Example, Player A earned First Blood & Warlord, Player B
earned Linebreaker. Player A has won the Tertiary 2-1 and earns 2 points while
Player B earns 0
All of the missions that involve objectives have you gain points for each
turn you control an objective, unlike the Eternal War Missions where there is a
late turn grab for objectives
This allows armies to build up a lead early or swing the
game in later rounds for the win
Players earn points for objectives at the start of their
turn, prior to reserve rolls
This is a big change as you need to be in position at the
end of your previous turn & weather your opponent's turn
Pre-Game Sequence
Both players roll off
Winner chooses to either to go first or second
to determine Warlord Trait, Psychic Powers, Demonic Gifts, etc
Roll for Night Fighting
Place Objectives
Roll off for Sides
Roll off for Deployment. Player who chooses to
deploy first goes first.
Game 1
Dawn of War deployment
Primary: Beacons in the Abyss
Each Player places one Black Objective anywhere within 6”
from their long edge and at least 6” from either short board edge
At the start of your player turn, prior to reserve rolls,
determine how many VP you earned
Player with the most VP at the end of the game wins the
Primary Mission
For each Black Objective you control
For each Black Objective you control
Turns 1-4 0
Turn 5 1
Turn 6 2
Turn 7 3
Secondary: Haunting the Chapel
Place three Red Objective Markers
Two markers are placed
· 6” from each short edge
· 24” from the long edge
· The third objective is place at board center
At the start of your player turn, prior to reserve
rolls, determine how many VP you earned
For each Red Objective you control +1
Player with the most VP at the end of the game wins the
Secondary Mission
Supply Drop
At the start of your player turn, prior to reserve rolls, a
player may opt to use the Supply Drop rule.
A player may choose to do this once per game.
The player may spend 1 VP from the Secondary Mission. One
objective currently under the player’s control gains one of the rules
(player’s choice) shown right for the rest of the game.
Players may continue to gain points for controlling this
objective in subsequent turns
Should the opposing player hold a Supply Drop objective,
they may use the special rules but they cannot alter it with another Supply
Supply Drop Options
Scatterfield - A unit the controls this objective
counts its cover save as being 1 point better than normal. This bonus is
cumulative with Stealth & Shrouding
Sabotaged - At the start of the next player
turn, and at the start of every turn thereafter, all units within 3” of the
objective suffer D6 St 4 Ap - hits
Targeting Relay - A unit controlling this
objective re-rolls failed To Hit Rolls of 1 when shooting
Grav Wave Generator - Any unit attempting to
charge a unit in control of this objective subtracts 2 from its charge range.
This is cumulative with the penalty for charging through difficult terrain.
Skyfire Nexus - A unit that controls this
objective can choose whether or not all models in the unit have Skyfire each
time they shoot
Game 2
Hammer &
Anvil deployment
Primary: War Ensemble
Place four Objectives
· Two objectives 12” from the long board edge & 36”
from the short board edge
· Two objectives 6” from the short board edge and 24” from
the long board edge
At the start of your player turn, prior to reserve rolls,
determine how many VP you earned
For each objective controlled in neither Deployment Zone +1 VP
For each objective controlled in your opponent’s
Deployment Zone +2 VP
Player with the most VP at the end of the game wins the
Primary Mission
Supply Drop
Secondary: Raining Blood
At the end of the game, use the following formula:
(# units destroyed/# units in opponent's army at the start of the
game) x10 = VP earned
Example: Player A killed 6 of the 12 units in his
opponent’s army. They would earn (6/12)
x10 = 5 VP for this mission
When calculating, round to the nearest integer. In case of
0.5, round to the nearest even integer
Player with the most VP at the end of the game wins the
Secondary Mission
Units that are created mid game, such summoned demons or
spawned termagants, do not alter the points awarded per unit destroyed. If
destroyed, these units award the same number of points as if originally
included in the army list. This may result in a player destroying more units
during the game then actually started in the opponent’s army at the start of
the game.
For example, an army with 19 units at the start of the game
spawns 6 additional units. His opponent kills 10 units plus all 6 spawned
units, earning (16/19) x 10 = 8 VP
Game 3
Dawn of War deployment
Primary: Haunting the Chapel with Supply Drop
Secondary: Beacons in the Abyss
Game 4
Hammer & Anvil deployment
Primary: Raining Blood
Secondary: War Ensemble with Supply Drop
Any questions please leave a comment below