advanced Tickets can be purchase via PayPal to
Please include "Rattler Cup Finals" in the subject line
Game 1 begins at 11 am
we will use standard ITC FAQ, army construction rules, and missions
I want to thank everyone at the Imperial Outpost for their help
If you have any questions about the tournament please direct them here as the store staff is not involved in the tournament organization
But I also want to go over how the season standings affect this particular tournament
- I will take the Rattler Cup Standings based all players who have competed in at least 2 events based events thru 12/31/2015
- The top 25 players will receive points as if they had played a "Round Zero" of the tournament
- For example
- Whoever is in first place will receive 1000 points, as if they had won their first game
- the player who is second will receive 960 points
- The third place player will receive 920 points
- and so on deducting 40 points from the previous
- This will be posted prior to the event
- In case anyone was wondering, as the TO, I feel it is not best interest of the event to also compete in the event. So any of you counting on an easy win against my Dark Eldar, please make other plans ;)
- Round One will be paired in Reverse Swiss format
- So if you have a higher standings from the season,
- You will play a lower ranked player round 1
- After that, standard Swiss Pairings will be used for Rounds 2 & 3
- and standard scoring for the tournament
- A Trophy will be awarded to the Winner of the Finals
- A Trophy will be awarded to the Overall Season Champion
- I will also have some additional awards to give out
Please: keep them coming. You are not bothering me. I want this to be as accurate as possible. But I need all corrections in by Dec 31, 2015